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Viscum Album


Re-evaluation of the ComplexomeMap of Viscum album (European Mistletoe) mitochondria from 2018. For the new evaluation, the Viscum album Gene space database (VaGs II) was used.

Viscum album chloroplasts (2022)

A chloroplast fraction from Viscum album was separated by Blue native PAGE. The gel stripe was cut into 44 fractions. All fractions were analyzed by quantitative label-free shotgun proteomics. The heatmap consists of 44 columns corresponding to the 44 gel slices and 1833 lines corresponding to the 1833 identified unique proteins. The map displays the normalized (max) intensity profiles of all identified proteins along the 1D BN gel stripe. Relative protein quantity is indicated by shades of blue (dark blue stands for high quantity, light blue/white for low quantity). Profiles are aligned according to similarity by hierarchical clustering using the NOVA software.

Viscum Album Mitochondria (2018)

The ComplexomeMap of Viscum album (European Mistletoe) mitochondria. A mitochondrial fraction from Viscum album was separated by Blue native PAGE. The gel stripe was cut into 54 fractions. All fractions were analyzed by quantitative label-free shotgun proteomics. The heatmap displays the normalized (max) intensity profiles of all identified proteins along the 1D BN gel stripe. Profiles are aligned according to similarity by hierarchical clustering using the NOVA software.

Impressum & Datenschutz   |   Institute of Plant Genetics   |   Leibniz Universität Hannover